Representing: Jacksonville, FL / Southeast USA region
Average day: Up at 6:00 for a quick 20 miles, breakfast, and then out again at 8:00 to run deliveries until 3:00 (approximately 30 miles). After that, it's gym time, followed by a big dinner. Then it's time to repeat the next day!
Words of advice: Take time to enjoy the ride! Whether commuting, racing, or touring its all about the journey, not just the destination!
Things that inspire adventure: Nothing beats the excitement of finding a new path, or visiting a new place. The fresh air, the gorgeous scenery offered by being outside isn't something easily replicated. Adventure allows you to make more connections, not just with other people, but with the world around you.
Upcoming trips/races: I'm hosting a fixed gear cyclocross race at the end of August, as well as a race for Chinese New Year. In October I'll be racing the Red Bull Last Stand crit at the Alamo. In February, I'll be doing a tour down Florida's east coast all the way down to Key West. And of course, cross season is coming!
Bikes: I'm a firm believer of n+1, and right now n=8! My favorite type of riding would have to be fixed gear urban riding. I get a lot of enjoyment interacting with traffic, and being fixed makes me feel connected not only to the bike, but the road as well. My pipe dream bike would have to be a BMC Teammachine with all the fixins'.